Re: [LAU] Tube Open Movie Project

From: Kaza Kore <dj_kaza@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Thu May 17 2012 - 17:47:35 EEST

On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 8:16 AM, Kaza Kore <dj_kaza@email-addr-hidden> wrote:

What about Wasteland 2? Target of $900k reached within 2 days, almost $3 million by the end of the project. Exceeding the target by a certain amount (which was far surpassed) included a promise for a Linux version.

There are tons of examples that could be given, Order of the Stick's reprint drive for instance, a fair amount of games recently, etc.


Only one I've support so far.

Promises to be Class Compliant (and hear other Keith McMillan stuff works on Linux fine) but yet to hear mine has even been shipped, let alone get my hands on it! But they did get 10x what they were aiming for/expected... (Still small compared to some others though.)

Do keep on thinking I should keep a closer eye on the site in general but so far have relied on my attention being brought to things I might find interesting.


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Received on Thu May 17 20:15:03 2012

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