Re: [LAU] denoising audio files

From: Jaromír Mikeš <mira.mikes@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Thu May 24 2012 - 13:33:16 EEST

2012/5/21 Fons Adriaensen <fons@email-addr-hidden>:

> :-) Very flattering, but don't expect a single-click solution for
> something as volatile as removing unwanted noises from a recording.
> In some cases (and more often than one would think) it's just a
> matter of some EQ, in other cases a simple noise gate can do the
> trick, and sometimes you'll need a multiband expander using pre-
> measured statistics. It also depends on how the result is going
> to be used afterwards.

What about take sample of "clean noise" (usually on beginning of
recorded track) and use some phase cancellation trick to add sampled
noise in opposite phase.
Can this work on constant noise?

Just theory.

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Received on Thu May 24 16:15:01 2012

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