Re: [LAU] Box under £400

From: Egor Sanin <egor.sanin@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Wed May 30 2012 - 21:09:50 EEST

On 5/30/12, Sciss <contact@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> Coming from the Mac world, I'm just worried that some parts don't play
> nicely together, plus wondering if all of the components will be supported
> by Linux? How does the Atom compare against SandyBridge in heavy audio
> applications?
It really boils down to whether you have some time to spare doing a
bit of research, putting everything together and then tuning your
system. If you don't, your likely going to run into problems, usually
at the worst possible time. But if you do, you'll save some cash, and
you'll also end up with an excellent system. It's not fair to say
that a computer is not fit for audio work because of an Atom
processor, or something else. It's all a a system in the end, and all
the parts of the system need to be fit tightly together (including the
If you can afford to invest the time, you'll be rewarded with a box
that'll perform great. There's a fellow on this list that used to do
live audio work with an EEEPc (if I'm not mistaken), and from the
emails I remember that little Atom was doing a lot of processing.

On 5/30/12, Robin Gareus <robin@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> What I really like about Atom CPUs for audio is that they can run fan-less.
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Received on Thu May 31 00:15:02 2012

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