[LAU] new mixes of a recent song

From: Dave Phillips <dlphillips@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Tue Jun 19 2012 - 17:45:00 EEST


After putting up my last song I made the session available to anyone who
asked for it. Five intrepid souls downloaded it, three of whom have
already responded with their own improvements to the mix. Check 'em out,
they're all different, and IMO each one has its virtues and drawbacks.
Without further ado, the remixes :

 From Jason Jones, drummer and owner/operator of Advanced Budget Studios :


 From Fons Adriaensen, DSP wizard and audio engineer par excellence,
based somewhere in Italy :


 From a user known to me only as McGruff on the A3 forum :


And my original mix :



Comments welcome.

I'm waiting on mixes from Ricardus and Burkhard, but of course no-one is
under any obligation. If/when they complete their mixes I'll post them too.

Thanks to everyone who replied to the announcement of this song, and
especially to the remixers. It's great fun listening to what others do
to my material.

Btw, the vocal was a single take, with no autotune. :)



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Received on Tue Jun 19 20:15:01 2012

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