On Fri, Jul 20, 2012 at 9:19 PM, Dan MacDonald <allcoms@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> Kaspar:
> Apart from the apps I've already mentioned, the only other Linux audio
> software I've used on my Panda so far are alsamixer, pactl, pavucontrol and
> Audacity - all of those have worked just as you'd expect them too.
Oh yeah!
I've also used Rui's samplv1 LV2 successfully under qtractor yet but only
used a few instances - I've not stress-tested it to see how many samplv1
tracks the Panda can push out just yet.
> I'm using standard jack and qjackctl from the 12.04 repos but I've had to
> compile LV2/ drobilla libs, qtractor and Noisemaker myself. LV2 and
> qtractor were straightforward but I had to modify the makefiles to get JUCE
> and Noisemaker to compile under armhf. I dunno how much use qtractor and
> noisemaker make or SSE but thats one thing both apps lack when built for
> ARM CPUs. When I get better at C++ I'd like to have a go at adding NEON
> support to Noisemaker.
> There aren't many terminal-only Linux audio apps I make regular use of.
> I'd be interested in trying NAMA on my pandaboard but thats no fun without
> a mic input which is something I don't quite have yet on my panda- I have
> achieved limited success using its onboard one with arecord and my external
> USB soundcard is playback only.
> On Fri, Jul 20, 2012 at 6:13 PM, Louigi Verona <louigi.verona@email-addr-hiddenwrote:
>> I just hope this Secure Boot does not reduce Linux ARM devices to a tiny
>> number!
> Lougi:
> I think secureboot is strictly a Wintel thing - I have heard no such talk
> of it making its restrictive, nefarious ways known in ARM land yet and lets
> hope it stays that way! Note that the ARM devices have their own set of
> bootloaders - no grub here.
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Received on Sat Jul 21 00:15:05 2012
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