>> >> I'm a Gentoo user and I'm hoping someone can point me toward info on
>> >> how to use zita-ajbridge? I'd like to send all audio from my laptop
>> >> to netjack without individually configuring each app for jack.
>> >
>> > That is not what zita-ajbridge is meant to do. It is used to connect
>> > additional alsa devices (sound cards, not applications) to Jack.
>> OK, I misunderstood then.
>> > For what you want to do:
>> >
>> > * If at all possible, configure your apps to use Jack. If some
>> > app can't do that consider using a different one.
>> Does anyone know if iTunes can use Jack?
>> > * Use ALSA's Jack plugin, this makes Jack appear to an app as
>> > an ALSA sound card. Not all apps will be able to use it, if
>> > they can't they are badly designed and you should file a bug
>> > report.
>> Is that only available on Linux?
> AFAIK, ALSA is Linux only. No Mac or Windoze.
Is there a Mac or Windoze Jack plugin that works like ALSA's above?
It's not for me I swear.
- Grant
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Tue Oct 2 12:15:02 2012
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