Great stuff Djého - I'm really enjoying listening to these tracks and
it just re-affirms I need to start learning and playing with SC sooner
rather than later. I will be giving them another listen and checking
out your site soon.
That people can do stuff like this from within emacs these days only
goes to re-affirm emacs status as text editor turned OS / multiverse
(..if only it had a good text editor ;)
On Tue, Oct 2, 2012 at 4:53 PM, Djého Youn <ydjeho@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> Hello,
> I want to share with you a 5 tracks demo I've worked on a few months ago.
> It's all made in Linux, actually I've started to use Linux at the same time
> working on these tracks.
> I've used Supercollider 3.4 on Emacs with Jack and that's it. Oh, I've
> converted my renders to mp3s using audacity.
> It's rendered with internal sound card on my second-hand lenovo T61, as I
> don't know how to get my firewire soundcard work on my machine.
> But I think I don't need my sound card anyway with this kind of sounds. Let
> me know if you're not agree...
> I'm on Ubuntu 10.10.
> Any feedback would be welcome.
> thanks,
> sincerely,
> jae ho Youn
> --
> Jae Ho YOUN
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