[LAU] keeping same perceived level on mp3 files

From: Atte André Jensen <atte@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Fri Oct 05 2012 - 19:30:03 EEST


I play keyboards in a couple of bands. When setting up my sounds I often
find that on some songs my keyboard is much louder than on others. I'm
pretty sure it's because to the extremely mixed level of the mp3 files I
use for rehearsing and programming the synth sounds.

So my question is: how can I match the levels of the mp3 files so that
they will playback in levels "as close as possible to the level a my
band plays them"? I imagine a ballad would be played back at lower level
than a power rock tune, not sure if there's a way to compensate for
that, though. So at least something that sounds like the same level.

NB: The tunes vary a great deal in audio quality and
loudness-war-compression (some are new dance/pop tunes, some are old
soul tunes, some are something else).

Thanks in advance for any input!

http://atte.dk   http://modlys.dk
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Received on Fri Oct 5 20:15:01 2012

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