Re: [LAU] [LAD] Linux Audio 2012: Is Linux Audio moving forward?

From: Florian Paul Schmidt <mista.tapas@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Thu Oct 11 2012 - 11:58:05 EEST

On 10/11/2012 01:21 AM, Alexandre Prokoudine wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 11, 2012 at 3:07 AM, Nils Gey wrote:
>> Could it be that we are so far behind that our brightest and most
>> creative minds still have to concentrate on the underlying general
>> purpose tools instead on specialized short-term software? (such as
>> synths and samplers. These follow a trend and are still driven by
>> technological innovation, so each orchestral lib really sounds better
>> than another one two years earlier)
> Nail on the head, Nils.
> The next person who thinks about inventing a new session manager,
> please just do something useful instead :)

I disagree. The session management evolution was (and still is) very
important to leverage the non-monolithic software available on Linux
system with an at least bearable amount of comfort.. We can hope that
large do-it-all monolithic programs will find their way to Linux
eventually, but I wouldn't hold my breath. IMHO it makes much more sense
to concentrate on that which open source excels on: Small, modular,
software that can be combined in new and ingenious ways.. I must admit
to having lost track of the session management discussion a while ago
(after I added jack_session support to some software of mine - then I
got a 9-5 job that made my life miserable, cause I didn't have the
energy for linux audio anymore ;D), but I'm curious towards what NSM et.
al. have to offer...

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Received on Thu Oct 11 12:15:05 2012

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