[LAU] Ubuntu slowing down when using Ardour

From: Aurélien Leblond <blablack@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sat Nov 17 2012 - 12:41:44 EET

Hello everyone,

I have been running into an issue over the past couple of months with
Ardour and Ubuntu.
When using Ardour intensively in Ubuntu for a couple of hours (switching
between songs, doing recordings and mixing, etc), Ubuntu slows down
dramatically. By Ubuntu I assume the couple Unity/Compiz - Alt+Tab takes
seconds to appear and react to commands, the Ubuntu Dash becomes horribly
slow and the only thing I can do is reboot the machine. In the mean time,
Ardour and other software are still running pretty much ok. Checking the
processes, Compiz and X are the ones using the processor a lot.

This doesn't seem to happen with any other software but Ardour (I'm using
Hydrogen or SuperCollider a lot), and I did a few tests with Gnome3, there
it seems to be ok.

My setup is as follows:
- Ardour3 Beta5
- Ubuntu 12.10 64bit
- Using the Radeon open driver (FGLRX creates a lot of xruns)

Now, I am not trying to start a conversation "Should I use Compiz when
playing music" or "Ubuntu is crap, what else should I use?" :)
I like Ubuntu, I like Unity and I like Ardour3!

I am just checking if other people are experiencing the same issue, if
there is a solution to this problem, what additional testing I should do or
 what additional information I should provide.

Finally, if it is a bug, where should it be reported? Is this an Ardour bug
as it seems only Ardour is making this problem happen, or is it an
Ubuntu/Unity bug as it is the application actually slowing down?

Thanks in advance for the help!


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Received on Sat Nov 17 20:15:04 2012

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