> Please, read the GPL again, all versions. GPLv3 in particular gives the
> legal teams at places like the Free Software Foundation or the Electronic
> Freedom Foundation, the legal power, if you assign the copyrights to them
> (this is required so they have standing in a court of law to bring the suit
> in the first place), to go after the thieves and cheats. Generally they
> get compliance with the GPL, but there have also been some cases where the
> violators have been fined some quite decent sums of money. You won't get
> much if anything, but rest assured, the thieves and cheats WILL be brought
> to heel, at no cost to you.
> There are exceptions to that of course, does anyone here remember how much
> those 2 blackbox coders collected?
> Cheers, Gene
Thanks Gene. I'm going to need to read that about 25 times before I
get a full handle on it. But, in a moment of panic here I am wondering
if I am violating GPL by using some ALSA functions in my code?
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Received on Mon Nov 26 16:15:01 2012
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