Re: [LAU] Portable/Touch devices Linux-friendly

From: Carlos sanchiavedraz <csanchezgs@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Fri Nov 30 2012 - 10:06:58 EET

It looks fine. I guess someone somewhere sometime will get to put Linux into it.

I've been fighting for quite some time with an UMPC that don't support
Linux, and at least for once I would love to change some configure&fix
time to just-play time.

Thanks, David.

2012/11/29 david <gnome@email-addr-hidden>:
> Kindle Fire HD? They can be rooted. Don't know if there's any Linux that
> would run on one.
> On 11/29/2012 01:33 AM, Carlos sanchiavedraz wrote:
>> 2012/11/29 SxDx <sed@email-addr-hidden>:
>>>> From: "Carlos sanchiavedraz" <csanchezgs@email-addr-hidden>
>>>> But I think their maybe two heavy to carry, and I would prefer
>>>> something robust for live use and traveling.
>>> I have both an archos g9 (ssd version, no hd) and a nexus7.
>>> I didn't play much with audio yet. I just hacked the g9 to
>>> put the linux I wanted, rooting by hand (for the funz), not
>>> using the official method. Doing so, I had to plug/unplug the
>>> mini-usb cable very often to debug my rooting/rebooting process
>>> and now the connection is weak. I have to turn the cable before
>>> plugging it so that there is some tension in there otherwise
>>> it won't work. The version I have has also a weak display; when
>>> you press behind the screen you have this "wavy" effect appearing
>>> on screen (you know, when you press too hard on a LCD display, there
>>> is this kind of wavy thing). The overall construction does not seem
>>> very solid (it's plastic).
>>> So for robustness, the archos g9 is to be avoided. That said,
>>> it's just my experience with it. And more recent versions might
>>> be better (the "wavy" thing is gone as I've heard).
>>> For the nexus7, the screen has a nice glass, and 10 points of
>>> touch (the g9 only 4). For music it might be better. But it has
>>> not SD-card slot, contrary to the g9. There again, I didn't hack
>>> it much, I don't want to open the bootloader the official way,
>>> so to have an alternative to android is some more work for me
>>> at the moment. I think, by having played with a virtual piano
>>> on it, that the audio latency is a bit better with the android 4.2 on
>>> it. Android 4.2 is supposed to have a better audio latency, so
>>> they say at google. I don't think android is a good solution for
>>> audio things. The system is very very bloated. (Note that I didn't
>>> do much of audio, so just an overall feeling.)
>>> That said, maybe there are some free-software friendly devices out
>>> there. The g9 needs binary drivers for the 3D thing (I didn't check
>>> for the nexus7, but I suspect it's the same). Maybe some manufacturers
>>> release schematics and manuals for the parts they glue together so
>>> that we laymen can hack the thing the way we want. But
>>> a little voice inside of my brain says "don't count on that".
>>> Note also that a big problem with those computers is the
>>> difficulty to change the battery. You cannot easily open them
>>> and replace things in there. (And just for the record, no I
>>> didn't buy those, I won them in programming contests.)
>>> My 1.5€.
>> Really useful information, and is very good to know those pros and
>> cons you mention.
>> Thanks for your extended response.
> --
> David
> gnome@email-addr-hidden
> authenticity, honesty, community
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Carlos sanchiavedraz
* Musix GNU+Linux
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Received on Fri Nov 30 12:15:02 2012

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