Re: [LAU] New music made with Linux: Hymn Of Nostalgia

From: david <gnome@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sun Dec 02 2012 - 01:38:15 EET

On 12/01/2012 01:23 PM, Julien Claassen wrote:
> Hi David!
> Well, that's where the drummer boy should be. :-) I think I need to
> get my headphones fixed though. I am sure, the left ear will break
> shortly. It tends to do that every now and again. :-(
> I'm glad you like the synth sounds and, that they bring back god
> memories for you.
> Warm regards
> Julien

Well, I recently moved my speakers. They used to be buried beside and
behind other stuff on my desk. Now each one sits on its own little shelf
on the wall about a foot higher than the desk surface. They seem a lot
louder and clearer now, so maybe the stereo imaging is coming through

I should try running the sound over to the main stereo and see what it
sounds like with a subwoofer running.

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Received on Sun Dec 2 04:15:03 2012

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