On Mon, Dec 24, 2012 at 11:38 AM, Brent Busby <brent@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> I also understand that vinyl is now increasingly (very slowly though)
>>> becoming the preferred medium for listening to music.
>>> Not according to any resource I can think of. Apple certainly isn't
>> selling portable vinyl players. 100% of the systems I design and install
>> for commercial, house of worship, etc. applications have not used vinyl. I
>> can't think of the last time I pulled out a vinyl record player. Not going
>> to say that some people don't prefer it, and I encourage them to if that is
>> what floats their boat, but the VAST majority of people are using digital
>> for many reasons that were listed by Monty Montgomery.
> Actually, the original poster is correct -- vinyl is the connoisseur's
> prefered format...but for reasons that most of the people using it don't
> understand themselves.
This is kind of like saying that because the sales have gone up, obviously
it is becoming the preferred medium. However the truth of the matter is
very likely the percentage of the market it occupies is actually
shrinking. Until I see solid numbers that say otherwise and how those
numbers were come up with, I would find it very hard to believe otherwise.
I am avoiding touching on the rest of the post right now as I need to get
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Received on Mon Dec 24 20:15:09 2012
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