Re: [LAU] Lack of smpte support simply sux

From: Peter P. <p8rpp@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Wed Dec 26 2012 - 21:38:46 EET

* Eric Steinberg <eric.steinberg@email-addr-hidden> [2012-12-25 18:00]:
> I know that there's an old tool for reading ltc under jack, but it's dead
> dead dead. MLT has no way to read VITC. Why is this? It very much
> eliminates linux usability for professional tasks, like syncing dual system
> sound and picture. Am i missing something? Is (are) there tools for doing
> that? I'm glad that bwf files snap to proper location in Ardour, but
> there's no way to nudge picture to match and limited format support.

Sorry to partly highjack that thread, but I was wondering if there are
any tools in linux to read/write smpte time code from/to tape
machines, and have it translated to Midi Time Code.

Thanks for all pointers, best, P

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