The first question: I believe this is due to Windows not caring about
upper/lower-case, whereas Linux does. I think SSO was made using Windows,
thus the paths aren't valid in Linux. There's several corrected versions
around though; OpenOctave has one, and IIRC, nilsge on irc (he's most
likely around here too in this list) is working on/has a GIT with the
updated and corrected SFZ's for the SSO.
I hope this clears up something atleast! =)
On Fri, Dec 28, 2012 at 12:45 PM, Julien Claassen <julien@email-addr-hiddenwrote:
> Hello Everyone!
> First the SFZ problem: there is something wrong with upper and lower
> case letter in paths. I have a version of the Sonatina Symphonic Orchestra.
> I had to change pathnames for the Strings - violin.sfz to only have
> lowercases. At least on the direcdtory levels. I checked the original file
> against the original pathnames, and for that it worked. So is there a bug?
> The question regarding MIDI maps. I'd love to create a MIDI instrument
> map to compreise a lot of my currently used instruments. Only, there are a
> couple, which will need more then one sampler channel. I don't want those
> channels to have anything loaded, when that program isn't used. So what do
> I do for those?
> Example: program 1 piano, program 2 drumkit (four channel), program 3
> harpsichord (only one channel again). As I understood the ondemand policy,
> the instruments on channels 2, 3 and 4 will only be loaded, as long as
> nothing else is loaded on these channels. So I'd have to do something to
> them, for the rest of the drumkit to unload. Some of these pianos or other
> instruments are HUGE!
> Any idea, how to work around this?
> Warm regards
> Julien
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