Re: [LAU] Mixbus v2 for $40

From: Brett McCoy <idragosani@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sun Dec 30 2012 - 02:43:27 EET

On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 7:34 PM, Kevin Cosgrove <kevinc@email-addr-hidden> wrote:

> I also grabbed a copy of ArdourXchange, given that I have one
> Pro-Tools project done by a friend that might be nice to import.

I have not been able to get ArdourXChange to work under Wine. Have
you? Had much better luck with AATranslator (which supports many more
formats, both import and export)

> Does anyone know how the LinuxDSP package from Harrison compares
> to the usual cadre of audio effects that I use with Ardour? Will
> my audio plugins work with Mixbus?

They are the same as the LV2 plugins from the LinuxDSP site (which are
really good, BTW). You can use them with plain old Ardour2 & Ardour3,
and likewise, anything that works under A2 & A3 will work under MixBus
(I really recommend the new Calf LV2 plugins, they are pretty sweet).
There's a lot you don't need to use with MixBus, since a lot of stuff
is built into the mix busses and work pretty well (limiting,
compression, tape saturation, high pass filter, etc)

Brett W. McCoy --
"In the rhythm of music a secret is hidden; If I were to divulge it,
it would overturn the world."
    -- Jelaleddin Rumi
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Sun Dec 30 04:15:03 2012

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