[LAU] Announcing midisnoop-0.1.0!

From: Devin Anderson <surfacepatterns@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sun Dec 30 2012 - 11:58:26 EET

I'm happy to announce the first release of midisnoop!

midisnoop is a simple MIDI monitor and prober. You can use it to
monitor a MIDI device and/or software, and to send MIDI messages to a
MIDI port to see how the device/software responds. midisnoop supports
both ALSA and JACK MIDI ports using the RtMidi library.

`midisnoop` is available at:


Please report bugs using the issue tracker:


If you like `midisnoop` and have ideas that can make it better and/or
want to keep up with its progress, join the users group:


If you're a developer and want to contribute to `midisnoop`, join the
development group:



Devin Anderson
surfacepatterns (at) gmail (dot) com
blog - http://surfacepatterns.blogspot.com/
midisnoop - http://midisnoop.googlecode.com/
psinsights - http://psinsights.googlecode.com/
synthclone - http://synthclone.googlecode.com/
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Sun Dec 30 12:15:02 2012

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