Hello evferyone!
Being busy housekeeping, I also want to release this collection, even larger
than the previous one. It contains themes and incidental music to radioplays -
both used and unused -, jingles for the LAC (2005-2007) - also used and
unused - and a small audiobook (in German I'm afraid. So forgive me for this:
Ihr Deutschen und Deutschsprachigen: Es gibt Horror aus dem Hause Claassen.
Ich bin nicht ganz Stolz darauf, aber ein bisschen. :-)
what else is there than giving you:
And mention - as always - that feedback, as long as it is kind and/or
productive, is highly welcome. :-)
Warm regards
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Thu Jan 3 04:15:03 2013
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