Yes, but it is very ugly to change rate in config file for every song I play.
2013/1/17 Patrick Shirkey <pshirkey@email-addr-hidden>:
> On Fri, January 18, 2013 7:51 am, Stefan Stefanov wrote:
>> Hi Julien
>> In process of accomplish my task with EQ I discover a problem playing
>> music with ecasound.
>> If I execute: ecasound -i test.wav -o
>> jack_multi,system:playback_1,system:playback_2
>> then I get this error:
>> "ERROR: Connecting chainsetup failed: "All audio objects must have a
>> common
>> ... sampling rate; sampling rate of audio object "jack_multi" differs from
>> ... engine rate (48000 <-> 44100); unable to continue."
>> "
>> I run jack like this: /usr/bin/jackd -P 85 -d alsa -P hw:2,0 -n 3 -p 256
>> (test.wav format is 16,2,44100)
> Jack is probably started with a sample rate of 48000.
> You can of course start jack with a sample rate of 44100 or you can tell
> ecasound to resample from 44100 to 48000.
> Probably easier to tell jack to use 44100 though.
>> Regards
>> Stefan
>> 2013/1/17 Julien Claassen <julien@email-addr-hidden>:
>>> Hello Stefan!
>>> Ecasound's basic concept is chains. A chain looks like this:
>>> input -> possible processing options -> output
>>> So you can use jack intput and output:
>>> ecasound -f:16,2,44100 -i jack_multi,mpd:out1,mpd:out2 -o \
>>> jack_multi,system:playback_1,system:playback_2
>>> At the end of this line you can add effects. For example a filter. You
>>> can
>>> use LADSPA unique IDs or the labels. I prefer IDs, since I always forget
>>> upper and lower case letters. So the GLAME Highpass IIR filter (label:
>>> highpass_iir and ID 1890). It has two parameter cutoff and poles/stages.
>>> You
>>> can find that out with analyseplugin from the basic ladspa suite or look
>>> it
>>> up in your favourite graphic ladspa host. So at the end of the ecasound
>>> line
>>> we have:
>>> -eli:1890,50,2
>>> or
>>> -el:highpass_iir,50,2
>>> Adds a highpass filter with 50Hz cutoff frequency and two
>>> stages/poles.
>>> My favourite EQ is still Fons Adriaenson's 4-band parametric EQ
>>> (1970). I
>>> think the package is called 4-band parametric filter (or just filter).
>>> It
>>> has a lot of options, you can try them in your favourite graphical
>>> application first and then copy all the values, that you found. probably
>>> easiest for you.
>>> If you need more help ask. - one last note: the -f:16,2,44100 is the
>>> ecasound audio formation option, see the manpage. It's
>>> bitrate,number-of-channels,samplerate. So this is CD-quality. Adapt to
>>> your
>>> needs.
>>> Warmly yours
>>> Julien
>>> ----------------------------------------
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> Boost Hardware Ltd
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