Re: [LAU] Loop Composition

From: Len Ovens <len@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Tue Feb 05 2013 - 01:15:35 EET

On Mon, February 4, 2013 8:09 am, Aur�lien Leblond wrote:

> I have done some research and found "only" 6 tools:
> - LMMS - it is mentionned several times that it is designed around loop
> composition, but I'm not sure about being able to jam with them. (but at
> least being able to compose and move the loops around would be handy)

LMMS does not (in any version I have seen) directly record audio. They
suggest recording audio samples with something like audacity. I think
audio recording is on the road map though.

> - Luppp, SooperLooper and FreeWheeling - they more look like software
> version of JamMan to me and meant to be played "live"...
> - Giada - that's the last one I found, but the website describes a tool
> more for DJing and looping complete songs instead of actual instrument
> loops...
> - Bitwig - I guess Bitwig will be THE killer tool to work with loops from
> what I could tell from the website.....but we are still talking a few
> months before general availability...

Not being a "loop" person, I can't comment on these. I would at least try
qtractor though.

Len Ovens
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Tue Feb 5 04:15:02 2013

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