On 07/02/13 20:42, Paul Davis wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 7:20 AM, Simon Wise<simonzwise@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
>> On 07/02/13 20:04, Paul Davis wrote:
> i was in communication (both email and in person) with people at steinberg
> in the early 2000's.
> they had no particular antipathy to open source.
> they had two problems:
> (1) they did not want to see the VST spec diverge as a result of people
> adding new features to the API
> and distributing the result, and then over time more people
> starting to use the extended version rather
> than the one that steinberg controlled. hence: no redistribution
> of the SDK.
> (2) their lawyers. lots of people on this list under-estimate the
> awareness that lawyers have for open
> source issues. steinberg's (and later yamaha's too) simply didn't
> really get the issues that open
> source development had with their license terms, and as a result
> were more than reluctant to modify
> the license. in the end, inaction won out over action, as is
> typically the case.
so the problem then was originally an unintended side effect of a different
policy. Then it was brought to their attention, at that time they considered it
seriously enough to consult their lawyers and make a serious response.
They actively decided not to change their policy and continued to refuse to
license FLOSS distribution of binaries for the next 10 years.
So a decade later it is no longer an oversight or mistake, it is now an active
"we don't care".
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Thu Feb 7 20:15:01 2013
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