Re: [LAU] Changed: Copyright laws and such

From: Louigi Verona <louigi.verona@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Fri Feb 15 2013 - 09:30:45 EET

> Each of us "owns" his own body. By extension, we each "own" whatever we
> produce out of thin air. If you claim that you somehow have a right to
> what I have produced, that would mean that you believe that you own me,
> and I am reduced to a position of slavery.

I don't agree with this.

The problem is that you cannot produce anything out of thin air.
Saying "I created a story" is a metaphor. You took physical objects and
modified them
according to laws of physics, for instance, took paper and put ink on it in
certain patterns.

This is why I used the marble example several emails before. You always do
with physical property.

Also, I do not have a right to what you produced - I never said that. I
have the right to
my physical property, you have the right to yours. An idea is not property.
It is as
simple as that.

Louigi Verona

Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Fri Feb 15 12:15:02 2013

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