On 03/21/2013 08:26 PM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> On Thu, 21 Mar 2013 19:58:47 +0100, Jeremy Jongepier
> <jeremy@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
>> On 03/21/2013 04:58 PM, rosea.grammostola wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm looking for something which I can use together with my 88keys
>>> masterkeyb without knobs. It would be nice if it's small and light
>>> enough to put on my keyboard itself. Something like the evolution uc-16,
>>> but it would be nice if I could route my midi masterkeybd via the
>>> controller to the computer (midi in / midi out / midi thru (?).
>>> I like to control stuff like setBfree and some effects in Non-Mixer
>>> probably.
>>> Thanks in advance,
>>> \r
>> Korg nanoKONTROL and an USB MIDI cable. Connect the MIDI OUT and IN of
>> your keyboard with the USB MIDI cable, connect your nanoKONTROL and
>> off you go :) I just received an USB MIDI cable from DealExtreme.
>> Works OOTB and was only $6 and no shipping fee.
> Ok, I already replied to another thread off-list, but I guess it's time
> to write to the list again and that Rosea says what he exactly wants to
> get.
> IIUC connecting a nanoKONTROL to the masterkeyboard is not what he
> wants. Also not connecting a nanoControl to the computer. I think I've
> got an idea of what he wants. First off all a more advanced device than
> the nanoKONTROL and second ... I'm uncertain what exactly is the reason
> for the MIDI in out thru question mark ... I've got several ideas what
> he might want it for, not only the thought about the cable, but why
> guessing, if we can ask?
Man you can put tension in a email, ha :)
Ok let me free you from your questions. The question about the midi thru
is because of the cables, I rather want one cable trying to tackle me,
than two.
The format of the NanoKontol is not bad, but is this a real controller
or a toy? How are the knobs and how stable is the device (someone told
that it is stable on a keybd).
And how much extra latency gives such a converter cable compared to midi
out to midi in?
What are other (low budget) alternatives?
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