On Thu, Mar 28, 2013 at 8:22 PM, James Harkins <jamshark70@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> Rustom Mody <rustompmody@...> writes:
> >
> > I am preparing a lecture on sound and vibrations and was thinking of
> using
> the
> demo:
> http://zonalandeducation.com/mstm/physics/wavesstandingWaves/standingWav
> es1/StandingWaves1.html Along with that I want to demo how it would sound
> using something like csound ie for a freqs from {440 880 1320 1760...}show
> how the sound changes as each freq is added to the fundamental sine wave at
> 440.
> csound... not my cup of tea. In SuperCollider you can do it IMO more
> easily.
> Then again, I'm biased (being an avid SuperCollider user for over 10
> years).
> SynthDef(\sine, { |freq, amp = 0.1, gate = 1|
> var eg = EnvGen.kr(Env.asr(0.1, amp, 0.1), gate, doneAction: 2);
> Out.ar(0, SinOsc.ar(freq, 0, eg) ! 2);
> }).add;
> g = Group.new;
> p = Pbind(\instrument, \sine, \type, \on, \freq, 440 * Pseries(1, 1, inf),
> \amp, 0.1 / Pseries(1, 1, inf), \group, g).play;
> // when done:
> p.stop; g.release;
> If you want different amplitudes, substitute a different pattern after
> \amp.
> This example posits an inverse relationship between the partial's frequency
> and its amplitude, i.e., a sawtooth.
> Disclaimer: I wrote this on a tablet without testing the code... and we all
> know how that usually turns out. There could be mistakes, but the principle
> is right.
> Again IMO (and admitting my bias), if you have to make a choice between
> learning csound or SuperCollider, choose SuperCollider.
> hjh
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Thanks James. I got something running with chuck.
[I still have to figure out how to use data structures in chuck; so for now
the code is a bit of a mess :-) ]
Now I have a different related question
Is there any good source on harmonic spectra?
ie by showing the first say 8 harmonics and reconstitue according to the
spectra of piano, violin, trombone etc can we being to discern the
Yeah I know piano is specially hard because of the transient
characteristic... Still just wondering...
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