Apologies for x-posting... (given that this never made it through LAA, which
may be just me being silly, here it is via the LAU list)
It is my pleasure to announce the latest release of pd-l2ork free
open-source visual programming language for interactive media, and
supporting K12 educational module for the 32-bit and 64-bit Linux, as well
as Raspberry Pi (Arm) platforms. pd-l2ork is the infrastructural backbone of
Virginia Tech DISIS Linux Laptop Orchestra (http://l2ork.music.vt.edu).
Highlights include:
*Ported all vanilla GUI objects and events to cairo-based SVG-like tkpath
canvas providing antialiased drawing capabilities, bezier patch cords, and
setting stage for a zoomable canvas
*Implemented a new scrollbar system using semi-transparent objects right on
the canvas
*Implemented filtering of autorepeat keyboard events for key, keyup, keyname
*Expanded K12 library with numerous improvements and added a couple demo
*Backported resizable objects and recent files
*Improved GUI appearance
*Began porting 3rd party objects to new cairo-based canvas (non-accelerated
3rd-party objects can be recognized by having a blue selection box and their
considerably slower redraw)
*Cleaned-up extended pddp documentation and added comprehensive cyclone
*Began filtering (disabling) building of redundant externals within the
cyclone and other 3rd-party libraries
*Proper visual reordering without the potentially cpu-expensive
canvas_redraw for all accelerated objects (non-accelerated 3rd-party objects
can be recognized by having a blue selection box and their considerably
slower redraw)
*Disabled drawing of redundant nlets for objects embedded inside a GOP
object (for Max users, equivalent to a bpatcher)
*Embedded tkdnd and tkpath libs directly into source for a monolithic build;
made several improvements to the tkpath lib fork
*Many other minor bugfixes and improvements (see Changelog for more info)
A screenshot of the K12 module is attached. Alternatively, it can be found
Complete Changelog:
Download Links:
Binary Builds & Documentation: http://l2ork.music.vt.edu/main/?page_id=56
Source: http:///github.com/pd-l2ork/
Best wishes,
-- Ivica Ico Bukvic, D.M.A Composition, Music Technology Director, DISIS Interactive Sound & Intermedia Studio Director, L2Ork Linux Laptop Orchestra Head, ICAT IMPACT Studio Virginia Tech Department of Music Blacksburg, VA 24061-0240 (540) 231-6139 (540) 231-5034 (fax) disis.music.vt.edu l2ork.music.vt.edu ico.bukvic.net
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