On Mon, Oct 28, 2013 at 5:48 PM, michael noble <looplog@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> Must be that time of year again when slashdotters get a bee in their
> bonnet about how useless Linux is for audio production. Enter at your own
> risk...
> http://ask.slashdot.org/story/13/10/27/0534248/ask-slashdot-best-cross-platform-linux-only-audio-software?utm_source=rss1.0mainlinkanon&utm_medium=feed
Some choice quotes:
Even an ancient copy of Cool Edit Pro running on Widows XP is more usable,
> useful, and powerful than any audio software available natively on Linux.
I love Linux and open source, but it really isn't ready for audio recording
> and MIDI processing, let alone the myriad of other apps and plugins
> required for effects processing and mastering. I would be extremely
> surprised if there are any serious audio professionals using Linux as a DAW.
If you're serious at all about your music, you use OS X or Windows. That's
> where the action is. Full stop. That's where the the real music software
> will be found; nowhere else. Swallow your pride, choose one of those 2
> OS's, and get on with making music.
I'm sorry, but Ardour is not "great". I believe in Linux and OSS, but if
> you need to make a living in music or sound, you are not going to be using
> Ardour. The music production community is always open to new technologies,
> and if Ardour were anything like a professional-quality application, it
> would be used... If you're a database programmer and want to play like
> Jonathan Coulton in your spare time, then fine. You can make Ardour work
> the same way you can use a folding camping shovel to dig a foundation. But
> if you want to dig a lot of foundations, you're going to want to invest in
> a back-hoe. And there is no Linux back-hoe for music.
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Received on Mon Oct 28 12:15:03 2013
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