as of multiband compresion for mastering purpose, i use 4 bands most
of the time, as the low spectrum needs special attention.
My first consederation based on your frequencies, is they leave
frequency gaps between bands. I couldn't say this is not a way to
work, but i've never seen something like this before. In all my
experiences, either integrated multiband compressors, or parrallel
processed compressors always have crossing frequencies at the -3dB
For example a three band multiband would be : Lowpass>350Hz ,
350Hz>2KHz, 2KHz>Hipass
Then you would adjust the crossover frequencies, compression settings to taste.
For a four band setup, a starting point would be : Lowpass>200Hz ,
200Hz>500Hz, 500Hz>3KHz, 3KHz>Hipass
2013/11/26, Julien Claassen <julien@email-addr-hidden>:
> Hello everyone!
> Nama has a sort of multiband compressor by using three parallel tracks,
> all
> processed by filters. Now we've discovered, that our current filter settings
> aren't good for multiband compression as used in a mastering setup. Yes, I
> know, people debate wether to use it or not, but it's always nice to have
> the
> opportunity and leave it up to the users.
> We currently use the Glame highpass, lowpass and bandpass IIR LADSPA
> plugins
> with unique IDs 1890-1892. The current settings are:
> lowpass: 106Hz 2 stages
> bandpass: 520Hz(center) 800Hz(bandwidt) 2 stages
> highpass: 1030Hz 2 stages
> These settings give a good full band, but I've heard, that the bands
> aren't
> the best choices. I've found some reeferences to using:
> 160Hz as the first divider and 3500Hz for the second divider.
> could someone suggest good settings to achieve this. Either with these
> plugins or with different filters, if easily available and in form of a
> plugin. Ecasound has LV2 support, but it's not capable of all the LV2
> features.
> I'd also do just fine with a formula to calculate it myself, if there is
> such a thing, that really meets the audible requirements.
> Fons, last time you were kind enough to supply the settings. How did you
> arrive at these values? Did you check graphically? I'm pretty sure, that you
> wouldn't have.
> Warm regards and thanks a lot
> Julien
> ----------------------------------------
> Music, creative writing, technical information:
> http://juliencoder.de/
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