Hi Rob,
On 12/28/2013 12:25 PM, Rob wrote:
> David Santamauro <david.santamauro@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
>> .. answering myself ...
>> On 12/28/2013 10:26 AM, David Santamauro wrote:
>>> Then I started the slave (same command line) and noticed massive
>> xruns
>>> (on the slave) -- so ... I change it all back to -p 256 but the xruns
>>> are still present (on the slave).
>>> Poking around a bit, I opened up the "options" on the master and it
>> says
>>> Frames/Period: 256, I open up options on the slave, and it is grayed
>> out
>>> but says: Frames/Period: 512.
>>> My questions are simply:
>>> 1) is qjackctl reporting this correctly on the slave?
>> No, qjackctl is displaying some old values, opening up the Messages
>> window -> Status tab shows the correct value (256)
>>> 3) is this why I'm seeing massive xruns?
>> nope ... while looking at the Status tab I noticed DSP load was between
>> 95% and 100%. I found the offending windows program and all is well
>> again
> Out of curiosity what software are you running on each OS?
I just finished building a semi-stable working environment made up of:
- jackd
- patchage (to visualize and manage the connection graph)
- jkmeter, gmidimonitor
- non-session-manager (and the ever essential JACKPatch, without
which I would have given up on linux audio)
- ardour3 for all live recordings and all mixing -- just starting to
be able to see it as stable replacement for Sonar X1. I miss some things
for sure and had to fall back to X1 a few times for a paid job with a
deadline, but ... it's almost there and high time for me to contribute
some $$.
- loopbe30 (virtual midi ports)
- jackd
- Plogue Bidule (vst host and connection routing manager)
- Various software instruments e.g., EastWest, Vienna Instruments,
Garritan etc.
- Notion4 (notation software)
The rest are becoming obsolete:
- Vienna Ensemble Pro 5 (very impressive piece of software)
- Sonar X1
I've had success using wine and/or vsthost for many of my windows VSTs
but the major deal breakers were always eastwest and vienna because they
require a dongle so I just manage all windows stuff in windows and route
everything using jackd(net).
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