Re: [LAU] Exam Cheating investigation

From: Gene Heskett <gheskett@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sun Jan 19 2014 - 01:59:23 EET

On Saturday 18 January 2014 18:53:25 Fons Adriaensen did opine:

> On Sat, Jan 18, 2014 at 05:29:16PM -0500, Gene Heskett wrote:
> > It should have been
> > common knowledge that the biggest contributor to JPL's payroll had
> > been mandating metric units for decades when that little "forehead
> > slapper" occurred.
> No just common knowledge. In the space business you can't create
> even the most trivial piece of hardware, software, or process
> without having an Interface Control Document for it. And those
> ICDs are reviewed. Yet the interface between JPL and NASA was
> apparently 'undefined'...
> Ciao,

Having visited the JPL site, admittedly in the 1959 time frame, I came away
with the impression they had some phenomenally long noses to look down to
see normal people. They were a force to be reckoned with at the time since
we were in the middle of building a bird to give John Glenn his first ride.
That and a "damn the torpedo's, all ahead flank to the engine room"

Cheers, Gene

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