Re: [LAU] Exam Cheating investigation

From: Chris Bannister <cbannister@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sun Jan 19 2014 - 18:08:16 EET

On Sun, Jan 19, 2014 at 03:08:42PM +0100, tim wrote:
> > would fall out of the sky. And he was right. Remember the 10^8
> > dollar NASA Mars probe that got lost because JPL was using
> > imperial units while NASA expected metric ones ?
> maybe the engineers payed too much attention on getting all the
> computations right :)
> errors happen, most of us are humans. the question is mainly how to
> catch and avoid them: programming languages can easily do dimensional
> analysis at compile-time if the dimensions are encoded into the type system.

Do you think it was more likely a communications problem? e.g. a bigwig
protecting his interests dealing with his European counterpart by not
informing the appropriate "departments/sections" of all the details.

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who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
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Received on Sun Jan 19 20:15:02 2014

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