Re: [LAU] Using a pe-count with Renoise/Ardour

From: Atte <atte@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sun Jan 19 2014 - 19:29:02 EET

On 01/18/2014 07:26 PM, jonetsu@email-addr-hidden wrote:

> The problem is that Renoise starts
> immediately, same time as Ardour, so that music starts happening when
> Renois is already at 32 (out of 64, default size).

It sounds like you need to add a 32 lines pattern before the pattern in
which you start jamming. Renoise needs this pattern to advance time,
just like ardour doesn't start the music "all the way to the left".

from the top in ardour = 0:0
from the top in renoise = line 0 of pattern 0

Or am I misunderstanding what you're trying to do?

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Received on Sun Jan 19 20:15:02 2014

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