On Wed, 2014-02-05 at 13:28 +0100, Gerhard Zintel wrote:
> Any other recommendations?
Don't install falshplayer and don't care about websites that need
flashplayer, simply ignore those bad websites.
If you really need to visit a site that requires flashplayer, anyway
don't install flashplayer, but install google-chrome-stable.
"Albums produced in Linux" and posted on websites that require
proprietary Adobe stuff IMO are not really interesting. It could be
considered as halfhearted. IMO it's more punk-rock to produce on what
ever gear is available, but to publish the art by something that is
accessible by everybody, that doesn't require non-open source codecs,
non-open source software.
That's just who I am. IMO people are free to produce on Linux and than
they even could publish using DRM, just I won't care about those
Years ago I was pissed when a Linux musician posted on this website,
since when I clicked on play a window popped up and abused me by
sarcastically asking why I'm using the Internet, when I'm using "I don't
like the Internet add-ons/settings".
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Wed Feb 5 16:15:04 2014
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