On 02/06/2014 05:02 AM, rosea grammostola wrote:
> Isn't it a disadvantage of such all-in-one-daws that all music produced
> with it sounds pretty similar to each other, everybody uses the same
> samples and plugins. An creative advantage of modular linuxaudio could be
> that you've a high level of creativity and uniqueness in your music.
My primary sequencer is LMMS, which is like the poster child for all-in-one
composition tools. I may have used a few of their drum samples in the past,
but everything else is from my own recordings or other sources.
I agree that music created by different composers in a particular
electronic music tool tends to sound the same, but I think that's because
most people use electronic music tools to create electronic dance music,
which, indeed, all sounds more or less the same for the most part by
design, with a few dozen basic beats and common bass lines and the rest is
just flair.
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Received on Thu Feb 6 16:15:03 2014
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