On Fri, 2014-02-07 at 10:22 +0100, Raphaël Mouneyres wrote:
> >Most of the times
> > people seems to listen to music, just to have some background noise.
> > Less people seem to listen to music in a way they would read a book.
> I totally agree with that.
> >The gauge for the quality of the compositions nowadays seems to be tits and
> > shaking asses.
> Well, i agree on this, but only for the mass music production heard on
> the media mainly.
> There are a lots of great bands with creative music. you will probably
> never hear about until you've found them, and obviously if you are
> looking for them.
Even dance floor music from the charts sometimes isn't rapped but sung
and doesn't show naked women for the videos. Randomly I heard a song and
saw the video of a song that seems to be on top of the charts, I suspect
the title is "Happy", at least the refrain is "Happy".
Indeed, the title is "Happy"
I wouldn't buy this record and I don't want to listen to it, since it's
loudness mixed to death, but it at least isn't such crap as most of the
other popular music is.
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Received on Fri Feb 7 16:15:02 2014
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