>> to create modular synth primarily with Ingen.
> I did not see Ingen run stable on my Fedora or my Kubuntu
> installations. Most of the time I was not even able to build and/or to
> start the binaries from the repos.
> How is the status: given, you have a recent stable relase of Feoda or
> *buntu: does Ingen work for you as, say AMS does?
Yes, I'm running the latest SVN in Ubuntu and it works fine for me.
I have a Ubuntu repo here with Ingen available:
I get a random crash from time to time - if I have a constant scenario
to reproduce I create a bug report for David and I learn not to repeat
the same scenario until he fixes the issue... Pretty much the same
experience I had with AMS :)
I guess if you are not especially using LV2 plugins, there wouldn't be
any advantages using ams-lv2/Ingen over AMS.
I started this project of porting this ams modules because of a few
LV2 plugins I liked using in my synths and AMS doesn't support LV2 (I
like having everything in one host as much as I can).
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Received on Sun Feb 9 20:15:02 2014
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