Hi Dan,
Thank you for taking the time to put that together! Looks like I have
a fair amount of learning to do before I can make sense of exactly
what's going on (I mean, I get the gist at a very high level, but
don't understand the details enough to hack the code).
I ran it on a few tracks that I thought would be interesting. Clearly
this list has a number of folks with mixing experience and/or
knowledge, maybe they can comment on what I'm seeing:
1. Leo Kottke "The Driving of the Year Nail" - first track from 6- and
12-String Guitar. Looks like there's a definite bias towards the left
I would have expected both channels to be perfectly equal, since this
is exactly one instrument. (I have no mixing or studio experience,
keep in mind, just a guy who likes music. So this is what my
uninformed intuition says.)
2. The Beatles "While My Guitar Gently Weeps" - from The While Album.
I picked this since there was a mention of Beatles albums having the
bass mixed only to one side. If I could hack the code to do a low
pass filter, this might be an interesting track. But, it appears to
me there's a definite bias for the lowest frequencies to be panned to
the right side.
3. Above & Beyond "Let Go" - from Anjunabeats Vol 8.
Just curious what some electronic music looked like... This could well
be a mono mix?
4. Beethoven "Moonlight Sonata" - from a collection of Beethoven's
piano sonatas (not sure who the performer is or label, too lazy to go
pull the CD)
This graph looks kind of weird. Is there really that little
high-frequency information?
Anyway, thanks again Dan! I'll keep playing with the tool and trying
to learn to see if I can come up with any more interesting info.
On Fri, Feb 7, 2014 at 3:43 PM, Dan S <danstowell+lxau@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> Hi Matt,
> Here's a Python script which analyses a set of files in a specified
> folder. They have to be file formats understood by libsndfile - which
> allows for flac/wav/aiff and some others, but not mp3. It takes maybe
> 5 to 10 seconds per track, but eventually it produces a plot as a PNG
> file.
> https://gist.github.com/danstowell/8872466
> (Also blogged: <http://mcld.co.uk/blog/blog.php?417>)
> Best
> Dan
> 2014-02-05 Matt Garman <matthew.garman@email-addr-hidden>:
>> I have a collection of FLAC files, all ripped from my CD collection
>> What I would like to do is run an analysis across all the music to
>> determine how the bass/lower frequencies are generally mixed. For
>> example, how much content below (for example) 150 Hz is on the left
>> channel versus the right channel?
>> I'm not sure if "histogram" is the right word, but in my mind what
>> I'd like to see, per-channel, is something like this:
>> 150--125 Hz: x samples
>> 125--100 Hz: y samples
>> 100--80 Hz: z samples
>> ...
>> Then I can look at the two channels of a song, and if the histograms
>> are approximately the same, I can assume the bass was mixed equally
>> to both channels.
>> I am a programmer, and thought it would be easy to quickly hack
>> something up that would do this, but I have no experience with
>> signal processing, and as I started reading about this, I quickly
>> got in over my head! So I was hoping there might already exist a
>> tool that has this functionality.
>> Note that I don't need any kind of graphical output, as this needs
>> to be wrapped up in some kind of batch processing script---I have
>> about 11,000 files to analyze!
>> The motivation for this is: I have a hardware DAC (digital audio
>> converter) in one part of my house, and a subwoofer in another.
>> There is a single coax run between the DAC and subwoofer, so I can
>> only send one channel. If the overwhelming majority of my music has
>> the bass mixed equally, sending only one channel isn't a problem.
>> But if I choose the "L" channel to send to the sub, and much music
>> has the bass mixed only to the "R" channel, then I won't be able to
>> hear the low frequencies. I want to find out how often this might
>> happen.
>> Thanks,
>> Matt
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