Re: [LAU] Jconvolver: Can't initialise engine.

From: F. Silvain <silvain@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Wed Feb 19 2014 - 01:45:13 EET

Fons Adriaensen, Feb 19 2014:
> Please provide the config file you try to use.
The weird.conf supplied with jconvolver and this:
*** rev.conf ***
/convolver/new 2 2 256 204800
# rev.wav has two channels
/impulse/read 1 1 0.1 0 0 0 1 rev.wav
/impulse/read 2 2 0.1 0 0 0 2 rev.wav
*** end of rev.conf ***

Thank you
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Received on Wed Feb 19 04:15:02 2014

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