Re: [LAU] Fwd: [Linux-Sound] page changed: apps:all:vmpk

From: Jeremy Jongepier <jeremy@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Thu Mar 20 2014 - 10:16:43 EET

On 03/20/2014 07:16 AM, Pedro Lopez-Cabanillas wrote:
> Hi,
> I don't know who is "j_e_f_f_g" and how to reach him by mail, so hopefully he
> is subscribed to this list.
> j_e_f_f_g: you have been editing every page in
> for some time. The revision below is wrong. vmpk doesn't "display notes on a
> staff". Including the program in the "Score recognition" category is
> misleading.
> Perhaps your revision comes from watching the demo video on YouTube, without
> realizing that it involves another program (musescore) displaying and playing
> a score, while connected to vmpk which highlights the piano keys when it
> receives MIDI events. You may replace musescore by another MIDI player. Here
> is a similar demo involving kmidimon instead:
> That is one use case for vmpk, but for most people the main feature would be
> creating MIDI events.
> Regards,
> Pedro

Hello Pedro,

The LAU wiki is a community thing so feel free to change the article or
revert to an older revision. I could take a look at it too or maybe one
of the other active Wiki editors (who can be reached on IRC
#opensourcemusicians). Fwiw, you might be able to reach j_e_f_f_g via
the mail address that features on his site: Afaik he is not subscribed to this



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Received on Thu Mar 20 12:15:02 2014

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