* Rui Nuno Capela <rncbc@email-addr-hidden> [2014-05-11 16:38]:
> On 05/11/2014 09:23 PM, Peter P. wrote:
> >* Rui Nuno Capela <rncbc@email-addr-hidden> [2014-05-11 15:36]:
> >>On 05/11/2014 07:12 PM, Peter P. wrote:
> >>>Hi list,
> >>>
> >>>dear Rui,
> >>>
> >>>I am a happy qjackctl user. Nevertheless after more than five years I
> >>>must say that I have already learnt that jackd will continue to run if
> >>>I close the qjackctl main window and leave it there as system tray.
> >>>The same goes for the bubbles that announce a problem, or the need to
> >>>restart after doing changes.
> >>>Is there any chance this might be addressed in a future update,
> >>>like as a configurable option? Could one at least try to comment it
> >>>out in the source code and recompile?
> >>>
> >>
> >>the bubbles stays there for about 5 seconds then disappear. what
> >>harm comes from that?
> >Thanks for your kind reply. I just still get distracted by it and
> >am somehow prompted to click it away, furthermore it always covers
> >qjackctls main window, which happens to happily live in my bottom
> >right corner of the desktop.
> >>
> >>and yes, one could make it there a "don't ask me again" checkboxbut
> >>one would have to code just that from scratch--rewrite a system-tray
> >>bubble (sub)class from the ground up--it happens that i might not be
> >>_that_ willing someone just yet
> >Totally understood. Thank you for giving me your view on that.
> >>
> >>maybe there's already code out there that you can rip off yourself?
> >>it's not jack nor audio related, it's a pure qt-gui thing cf.
> >>QSystemTrayIcon::showMessage()
> >Thank you! Perhaps a shorter timeout can already solve the thing for me.
> >Did you set it explicitely or are the 5 seconds you mention a system
> >default?
> >http://doc.qt.digia.com/4.6/qsystemtrayicon.html#showMessage
> >
> >I couldn't find it by neither briefly reading the source code of
> >qjackctl, nor by grepping, but I am not very good at this either I am
> >afraid.
> >
> void QSystemTrayIcon::showMessage ( const QString & title, const
> QString & message, MessageIcon icon = Information, int
> millisecondsTimeoutHint = 10000 )
> my bad. it's actually 10 seconds (millisecondsTimeoutHint = 10000)
Thank you! Is that the information from the link I sent or a content
of qjackctl's sources? I can't really figure out where and how to set
thr timeout for qjackctl, supposedly in qjackctlSystemTray.cpp, I am
best, and thanks again!
> cheers
> --
> rncbc aka Rui Nuno Capela
> rncbc@email-addr-hidden
Linux-audio-user mailing list
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