Re: [LAU] DIY acoustic absorbers?

From: Ralf Mardorf <ralf.mardorf@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sun May 25 2014 - 15:07:05 EEST

On Sun, 2014-05-25 at 13:47 +0200, Gabriel Nordeborn wrote:
> I'd very much like input from people who actually know what they're
> talking about

I don't know how to make a home-studio in a flat less "horrible
acoustically". I have speakers in my music room and a second pair of
speakers in my kitchen and walk around between both rooms, that are in a
different way "horrible acoustically". Once I sit in a French studio
lorry, it's possible to make unsuitable rooms very good control rooms.
The first thing to make an unsuitable room a very good control room is
to play the lottery. At least this French studio lorry was obscene
expensive. IMO the best bet is to learn to accept that a home-studio in
a flat has got a bad acoustic.

Good luck!

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Received on Sun May 25 16:15:03 2014

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