On Sun, 2014-05-25 at 13:47 +0200, Gabriel Nordeborn wrote:
> Adam A3X
"The A3X is ADAM Audio's smallest monitor ever, perfectly suited for all
environments where space is limited."
Instead of an elCheapo near-filed monitor I use B 3010 HIFI consumer
shelf speakers from former East Germany. They are often used as
near-field monitors in Western Germany home-studios, small radio studios
etc.. I got my for 50,-€ at Ebay. They sound disgusting, but usually
better than elCheapo near-field speakers in the price range of the Adam
A3X. JFTR I don't know the Adam speakers, they might be good, anyway,
Eastern Germany speakers are good HIFI speakers and they were made for
small flats.
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Received on Sun May 25 16:15:03 2014
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