Am 07.06.2014 19:10, schrieb hermann meyer:
> Am 07.06.2014 18:08, schrieb Fons Adriaensen:
>> On Sat, Jun 07, 2014 at 10:15:41AM +0200, hermann meyer wrote:
>>> Thanks have to go to Stephan M. Bernsee from dspdimension as well.
>>> GxDetune is based on his work here:
>> This sort of works, but it's not what it claims to be.
> Do you talk about my reworked code here:
>> The whole part that finds the exact frequency by comparing
>> phases is completely redundant. This information is never
>> really used. It just looks as if it is used.
> But without the accumulation on the phase the down shift simply sounds
> shitty.
> It work pretty well, with my rework it use a dsp load from 2-3% were
> it use previous in the original version around 50%
> I would say, it is the best sounding octave (pitch) shifter we have in
> open source,
>> For example, for one octave up, you could just as well take
>> the magnitude and phase of bin k, multiply the phase by 2 and
>> put the result in the input bin 2*k of the inverse FFT. The
>> result would be just the same. No frequency calculation is
>> ever made.
>> The net result is also equivalent to:
>> - overlap
>> - windowing
>> (as in your code) but then:
>> - downsample by 2
>> - repeat the result so you get the original length
>> - add to output
>> Which doesn't even require an FFT.
>> The way to really use the computed frequencies would
>> be quite different.
>> If you have a signal at some frequency F there will
>> be significant energy in a number of bins close to F.
>> The correct value of F can be found by comparing the
>> phases as explained by Bernsee. Given this F you need
>> some way to determine which contiguous group of bins
>> is representative of that signal (one way would be to
>> look for minima in magnitude left and right).
>> Now for correct frequency scaling, you need to move
>> that whole group up or down (as determined by the ratio,
>> e.g. 2 for one octave up) *** but without scaling the
>> group itself ***. In other words, if bin k moves to 2*k,
>> then bin k-1 moves to 2*k-1 etc.
>> This requires an *interpretation* of the signal: do bins
>> that are close together
>> 1. represent a single frequency signal, or
>> 2. multiple signals that are close together.
>> In case (1) the envelope of the signal is represented by
>> the relative magitudes and phases of the adjacent bins.
>> To preserve this envolope (i.e. to correctly reproduce
>> transient signals), these bins need to remain adjacent.
>> Another way to state this that any algorithm that does
>> frequency scaling (or time stretching) needs some way
>> to decide if certain features of the signal need to be
>> interpreted as significant in the time domain or in the
>> frequency domain. The correct decision depends on how
>> a human listener would interpret that feature.
That's a good point, maybe you find the time to listen to the results of
this plug, that is what I do during the work on it, and, I'm very, very
pleased with the result.
>> It is not even possible to *define* a frequency scaling
>> or time stretching algorithm without at least implicitly
>> defining a way to decide on this.
>> The implicit assumption in the current algorithm is that
>> each bin is an separate feature in the frequency domain,
>> and thus needs to be scaled independently of all others.
>> Ciao,
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