Hey Lorenzo!
Thanks for reminding me about xjadeo - I should try if I can use that tool
to do the sync as well. Although Xjadeo does not play sound, right? Because
I usually use video camera audio as something that I am syncing the
external audio recording to.
I tried Cinelerra today from community PPA and the big problem with it is
that it does not read my format and I have no idea what to do here. Same
with Blender - it looks very promising and cool, but these encoding
problems are very tough. OpenShot may be unstable, but at least it rarely
has such troubles.
Maybe there is some way to make Cinelerra see all the formats?
On Wed, Jul 2, 2014 at 11:34 AM, Lorenzo Sutton <lorenzofsutton@email-addr-hidden>
> Hi Louigi,
> On 02/07/2014 00:08, Louigi Verona wrote:
>> This is really a pity, because otherwise OpenShot is a great editor.
>> In light of my increasing video editing, I am sorry to say that I am
>> beginning to contemplate switching to Windows for video. I spent the
>> whole day today exploring video editing tools for Linux and it was a
>> total disappointment.
> 1. Tried promising *Lightworks*.
> [...]
> 5. Tried *Avidemux* and some other video editor from the repos - both
>> could not even open an mp4 file properly.
> I'm not sure if that included Cinelerra. Cinelerra community version [1]
> has recently regained momentum with lots of stuff going on. You will most
> probably have to compile it (but that's relatively easy on Ubuntu/Debian
> see [2] for an excellent guide), and it won't import some formats out of
> the box.. but in my opinion it's worth a try. I would keep ffmpeg
> ('original' version, not avlib) and mencoder handy whichever software you
> use.
> Also I'm not sure what your workflow for the gingle was, but for audio
> such as sound-track, sound effects and so on (i.e. audio which is not part
> of the video takes and editing cuts), I think using ardour (or any
> jacktransport application) with xjadeo is a really powerful workflow.
> Have fun :-)
> Lorenzo.
> [1]: http://cinelerra-cv.org/
> [2]: http://www.g-raffa.eu/Cinelerra/HOWTO/compilation.html
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