On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 8:03 AM, Roberto Suárez Soto <talkingxouba@email-addr-hiddenl.com>
> Hi,
> recently something weird happened. As usual in this cases, I'm not
> aware of making any changes, this happened all without my intervention.
> This reinforces my theory of a leprechaun infestation at home, but I'll
> leave that for another mailing list.
> The symptoms: I launch qjackctl, start jackd, and then hydrogen. When
> I hit "play", there is no sound. There are no errors in qjackctl's message
> window, and hydrogen is playing nicely (vu meters are going up and down as
> if nothing happened).
> After messing around for a while, I found that I could make hydrogen
> sound again changing the connections in qjackctl "Connections" window:
> instead of connecting the two outputs of hydrogen to "playback_1" and
> "playback_2" (which is the default as soon as hydrogen is started), I
> connected them to "playback_7" and "playback_8". I have a built-in
> HDA-intel sound card, and I believe that these outputs are "side-left" and
> "side-right". But I had never had to do this, playback_1 and playback_2
> always worked. I'm using headphones, in case that's important.
I have two systems which work the same way. Where the first two channels
shows up depends on precisely which device (hw:N,n) is opened. With one
version, they show up on 7&8 (the default hw:0,0) and with the other on 1&2
(can't recall the precise device incarnation).
Its sort of a feature of ALSA, and sort of a really bad piece of
non-user-oriented design thinking.
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