Excellent idea! Thanks. So I've already
tested with Ardour as best I can imagine.
I haven't looked at
# ls -lat /var/log/* | head -20
It happens when we're playing and I'm
usually blown out with that.
Given that my experience is satisfactory,
then what can I do to diagnose the disk
drive, controller, driver module, <what_else>
Quick and dirty:
* up the RAM from 8GB to more
* replace the spinning drive with SSD
* other???
Continued thanks.
On 07/15/2014 10:13 AM, Paul Davis wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 15, 2014 at 11:58 AM, jim <jim@email-addr-hidden
> <mailto:jim@email-addr-hidden>> wrote:
> Thanks lots, Jeremy.
> I haven't used hdparm; I see it does a lot (much
> to learn, per the man page).
> I'm thinking of writing a for loop and capture
> start and end time: will that be useful? (Probably
> I'll use DASH, Python, and C, just to compare
> those three.)
> I haven't had the need to use lspci or lsmod or
> most other diagnostic tools (not till now, so I'm
> mostly lost).
> More thanks, I'll probably be able to send info
> tomorrow (machine is not home).
> specially written tests are not useful. They don't read/write in the
> same pattern as Ardour. If you want a test app, use Ardour :)
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