On Sun, 2014-07-20 at 10:47 +0200, Robin Gareus wrote:
> In any case it was a full day workshop and these slides were just to
> get started. But they may also get you started as well.
I guess it was a good workshop, but the slide show isn't useful for me.
Nevertheless it's good to know that Jörn and you cared about, how to get
something working with less money.
" nicht ohne Ecken und Kanten
suboptimale Effizienz"
nice anti-word, first introduced to public
by Ex-Bundeskanzler Gerhard Schröder ;)
We expect edgily (Ecken und Kanten) and somewhat less than perfect
efficiency (suboptimale Effizienz) for less money, but that doesn't mean
that it's bad :). Close to my home there's a party at an amateur soccer
club. The sports area's public address system and the way the speakers
use it is disgusting amateurish, but fit to their needs, they don't
present theatre or professional music performance ;).
A wiki how to use Linux with less money, to do some amateurish video
life "usage" (handling the streaming) would be nice ;).
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Received on Sun Jul 20 16:15:02 2014
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