[LAU] vsts and wine startup times

From: James Stone <jamesmstone@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sun Aug 17 2014 - 10:59:49 EEST

I have been playing around with a new program that does win->linux vsts
called airwave. It seems pretty nice as it does xembed properly so all
menus etc. appear correctly, and the vst performance seems acceptable
(fewer xruns than vst-bridge).

I hit a problem when first running it which turned out that it was due to
the host not waiting long enough for the vst to initialise. It hard coded a
maximum wait of 3 seconds.. Whereas on my system, wine takes around 24
seconds to start first time or around 4 seconds on subsequent times. I have
been in discussion with the dev about increasing the timeout. He changed it
to 8s which works OK apart from first run on my system.

So my questions: 1) what is the longest startup time for wine that would be
reasonable to assume?
2) is 24 seconds abnormal for a reasonably recent (last 3years - AMD
A6-3670 ) desktop system?


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Received on Sun Aug 17 12:15:01 2014

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