>> This is not the first time for this idea. There are one or two people
>> working on
>> it. The idea that seems to be the best is an ethernet connected AI
>> because this
>> seems to be the digital interface that stays around and is best
>> supported. The
>> idea is to use an arm based board with a netjack master and built in
>> audio IF. The
>> only project I know of is to at first provide stereo i/o as a proof of
>> concept.
>> Interesting, I didn't know this. Can you send a link to it?
> http://lists.linuxaudio.org/pipermail/linux-audio-user/
> 2011-October/081520.html
> is the start I think... Though it may have surfaced since then too.
> It seems to me that at some point the same project came back in either LAU
> or LAD but the topic got changed.
> Wow thanks Len!
Thats a very interesting read indeed.
How did I not come across this earlier.
But I can't find any recent info about it. Too bad.
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Mon Sep 1 04:15:02 2014
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