On Mon, 2014-09-01 at 11:42 +0200, Raffaele Morelli wrote:
> You fail on the base criteria: you do not know "enough" about linux
> and asking for a ready-to-go distro (corollary 6. learn to use google)
That reminds me of the importance to use distros with huge communities.
The smaller a community is
- there are in general less people who could help
- there are less people who share similar computer needs
- the more likely there could be deep-rooted dislike against people who
don't fit to the world view of the small community
Linux audio users are just a small group, what ever distro you use, but
audio users usually also use desktop environments, Internet browsers and
other user space software, so you should use a distro with a huge
community. More people could help, more people share similar needs, much
more people with different world views, IOW much more tolerance.
Anyway, every user should learn how to use https://startpage.com/ or a
similar search engine, but for a novice it's not that easy to do, IOW
you should provide more information about the issues you experienced,
about your needs and then people subscribed to this list could help you.
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Mon Sep 1 16:15:06 2014
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